Conference on PDE and numerical analysis
28 - 30 April, 2022
Centre for Applicable Mathematics
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Bangalore
TIFR-CAM is organizing a conference on "PDEs and Numerical Analysis" from 28-30 April, 2022 in online mode. The theme of the conference is broadly in the area of PDEs, their analysis and applications, and computational methods for PDE and other related areas. The program consists of invited talks by experts from applied mathematics and applied sciences departments.
This conference is organized in memory of Prof. A. S. Vasudeva Murthy who met an untimely death due to Covid on April 29, 2021. A few months prior to his death, he had retired from TIFR CAM after a long career beginning with his PhD. Vasu, as he was popularly known, was a dear friend and colleague to us and also to many other people in various other departments and institutes in India and abroad. During his lifetime, he touched the lives of many of us as a colleague, collaborator and friend. Given the current circumstances, we are organizing this conference in online mode in order to allow a large number of his collaborators/students to participate in this event.
The conference will be in online mode via Zoom. There is no registration fee but registration is required to obtain the Zoom links for participation. To register, please fill this form before 26 April 2022.
Amit Apte, IISER Pune
Sheetal Dharmatti, IISER Trivandrum
Thirupathi Gudi, IISc Bangalore
Akhlaq Husain, BML Munjal Univ.
Ameya Jagtap, Brown Univ.
Naoto Kumano-go, Kogakuin Univ.
B. V. Rathish Kumar, IIT Kanpur
Siddhartha Mishra, ETH Zurich
Phani Motamarri, IISc Bangalore
A. K. Nandakumaran, IISc Bangalore
Ravi Nanjundiah, IISc Bangalore and IITM Pune
P. A. Lakshmi Narayana, IIT Hyderabad
Neela Nataraj, IIT Bombay
Amiya K. Pani, IIT Bombay
Kamana Porwal, IIT Delhi
Deep Ray, Univ. of Southern California
Souvik Roy, Univ. of Texas at Arlington
J. Srinivasan, IISc Bangalore
Natesan Srinivasan, IIT Guwahati
Pratik Suchde, Univ. Luxembourg
Vidar Thomée, Chalmers Univ. & Univ. of Gothenburg
Dootika Vats, IIT Kanpur
Schedule of talks
Times given below are in Indian Time (IST).
---------- 28 April 2022 ----------
Session Chair: Prashanth K. Srinivasan
09:25 -- 09:30, Inauguration of the Conference by Prof. K. Sandeep, Dean, TIFR Centre for Applicable Mathematics
09:30 -- 10:15, J. Srinivasan: An account of the exploration of the “lifted minimum phenomena” by Prof. Vasudeva Murthy [Video]
10:15 -- 11:00, Deep Ray: Deep learning-based posterior inference for inverse problems [Video]
11:00 -- 11:45, A. K. Nandakumaran: Exact Controllability for a Problem with Imperfect Interface via Hilbert Uniqueness Method [Video]
11:45 -- 12:30, Thirupathi Gudi: Finite Element Analysis of a Non-self adjoint and a Non-Local elliptic problem [Video]
12:30 -- 14:00, Lunch Break
Session Chair: Mythily Ramaswamy & Praveen Chandrashekar
14:00 -- 14:45, Amiya K. Pani: On Fractional in Time Evolution Problems: Some Theoretical and Computational Studies [Video]
14:45 -- 15:30, Vidar Thomée: On Positivity Preservation in Finite Element Methods for the Heat Equation
15:30 -- 16:15, Pratik Suchde: Meshfree methods for fluid flow and applications in the automotive industry [Video]
---------- 29 April 2022 ----------
Session Chair: K. T. Joseph
09:30 -- 10:15, Souvik Roy: A Fokker-Planck feedback control framework for optimal personalized therapies in colon cancer-induced angiogenesis [Video]
10:15 -- 11:00, Neela Nataraj: Lowest-order equivalent nonstandard finite element methods for biharmonic plate
11:00 -- 11:45, Ravi Nanjundiah: Errors in Time-splitting for Numerical Integration of Semilinear Ordinary Differential Equations [Video]
11:45 -- 13:00, Social Event - Remembering Vasu
13:00 -- 14:00, Lunch Break
Session Chair: P. S. Datti
14:00 -- 14:45, Siddhartha Mishra: Physics informed Machine Learning [Video]
14:45 -- 15:30, Amit Apte: Machine learning methods in data assimilation [Video]
15:30 -- 16:15, Kamana Porwal: Pointwise adaptive quadratic finite element method for the elliptic obstacle problem [Video]
16:15 -- 17:00, Phani Motamarri: Massively parallel finite-element based density-functional theory calculations on hybrid CPU-GPU architectures for large-scale quantum modeling of materials [Video]
---------- 30 April 2022 ----------
Session Chair: Sreekar Vadlamani & Praveen Chandrashekar
09:30 -- 10:15, Ameya Jagtap: Physics-Informed Neural Networks: A new paradigm for learning physical laws [Video]
10:15 -- 11:00, Dootika Vats: Efficient Bernoulli factory MCMC for intractable posteriors [Video]
11:00 -- 11:45, Naoto Kumano-go: Phase space Feynman path integrals of parabolic type with general functionals [Video]
11:45 -- 12:30, Akhlaq Husain: Stokes equations with non-standard boundary conditions on three dimensional domains [Video]
12:30 -- 14:00, Lunch Break
Session Chair: K. Sandeep
14:00 -- 14:45, Rathish Kumar: Subgrid variational multiscale stabilized finite element analysis of coupled Navier-Stokes-Transport model
14:45 -- 15:30, Sheetal Dharmatti: Coupled systems of phase field Models and Optimal Control [Video]
15:30 -- 16:15, Natesan Srinivasan: Robust Numerical Schemes for Singularly Perturbed Parabolic PDEs with Discontinuous Convection Coefficient and Source Term
16:15 -- 17:00, P. A. Lakshmi Narayana: On the nonlinear stability of some flows in porous media
Book of Abstracts

For any further enquiries, please write to